Why Compliance Management is Process Management and vice versa – and Why It Matters!

Why Compliance Management is Process Management and vice versa – and Why It Matters!

There are certain parts of the business that are in the headlines all the time and capture a lot of attention as a result.  There are others who lurk in the shadows until something goes wrong, and that’s when they receive the sort of attention they actually deserved all along.

Compliance management is one of those.

The term compliance, in this context, refers to how a business complies with relevant requirements imposed on them externally, as well as internal processes that have been set up to manage risk and improve efficiencies.  And when you’re small in size, this is relatively easy to keep a handle on.  But as a company grows, both in size and complexity, compliance management becomes more difficult to maintain – and that’s where you have to be smart about it.

Why Compliance Management is Process Management

Good compliance management is a key operational requirement for any business that wants to remain robust and sustainable over the long term, operating in a uniform yet scalable manner.  So, compliance management is just as much process management as it is about sticking to the rules. Effective management of your processes is the mean for ensuring compliance and running your business efficiently:

  • It ensures that your processes are aligned with your company’s business goals and values. The mission and values of a business have to be ingrained into the fabric of the operations if they are to have any meaningful impact, and compliance management is one of those areas where you can integrate long-term goals and in a way that honours the company culture you’re trying to build and provides guardrails for what is acceptable in the pursuit of those goals.
  • It ensures that your internal and external requirements are enforced effectively. Rules and regulations have no power if they are not enforced, and chance is that they are also not enforced if they internally are perceived as cumbersome and non-value-adding, so good compliance management is about adding structure, support, and continuous improvement.
  • It creates a unified approach across all operations. As a company grows, it tends to bifurcate into silos, which can lead to a vast range of different processes and systems.  Effective compliance management helps to rein that in creating one unified approach which delivers knock-on benefits in terms of standardization, speed of execution, and reduction of work duplication.
  • It forces you to think in a systematic way. A common misconception is that compliance management only matters for industries that are highly regulated.  This couldn’t be further from the truth.  Compliance management is very useful for forcing system-based thinking and sound operational processes that help companies scale sustainably, enabling them to grow into something that outlives initial founders or key personnel who may seem irreplaceable.  As far as operational strategy goes, strong compliance management is one of those priorities whose benefits compound over time.

Compliance Management goes well beyond mere rule-following.  It talks about the structural integrity of an organization, its process foundation, and its capacity for growth.

With that in mind, let’s look at what makes for effective compliance management.

5 Principles for Effective Compliance Management

  1. The processes, compliance controls, and documentation level needed to be commensurate with the complexity and criticality of the business needs.  In order to achieve this, it requires efficient use of systems and tools that are agile and flexible – while still maintaining the required level of process control.
  1. Good compliance management helps to unify processes and create standardization across multiple areas.  And once you have standardized your processes, this also opens the doors for innovation and automatization of your processes and controls.  This will be increasingly important with various automation and AI solutions starting to make a splash in the industry.
  1. Compliance needs to have buy-in from the very top if it’s going to be at all effective.  Without the explicit and implicit endorsement of key leadership personnel, the efforts become mere lip service and don’t receive the focus they deserve.  There is a certain perception and company culture that bleeds down from the top here, and compliance and process management needs to enjoy management support because that’s what filters down throughout the organization.
  1. Too many compliance considerations are applied right at the end of a process as some sort of quality gate afterthought.  This is a mistake.  Good compliance management is an integral part of operational processes, right from the start.  If it is not baked into the very nature of day-to-day operations, then it simply becomes a bottleneck that isn’t fit for purpose.  It’s implementations like these that make employees resent compliance.  However, if it’s a natural component of how business gets done, then it achieves its goals and becomes increasingly powerful as a counterbalance to a speed-at-all-costs attitude.
  1. Continuous Improvement. A strong compliance management implementation is not a static one but one that continues to evolve and adapt to changing circumstances.  That is why it is important that the compliance management process includes collecting learnings from the execution of the processes and gathering data about the performance of compliance management and its impact on the overall business so that they can be continually improved upon.  This is achieved through setting targets in advance, and then using those as frameworks for accountability – slowly iterating towards the most optimal strategies.

Now, let’s look at some more strategic considerations when implementing or optimizing your compliance management process.

5 Prompts for Executing on Your Compliance Management Process

Now that you’ve internalised the principles, let’s get a bit more tactical:

  1. Have you defined a role that is responsible for ensuring that the assigned project work is done in accordance with defined processes? If there isn’t anyone who is accountable for ensuring process compliance, then it’s just a wish.  Deploying a specific role to ensure process control in the day-to-day business operation is the key driving force behind executing on the sort of compliance management that will push your business forward.
  1. Does that person have the requisite training, competence, and mandate to execute on what is required? It’s important that you equip your compliance personnel with all the skills and knowledge that they need to execute on what is quite a challenging role.  Without that support and guidance, you are going to get sub-optimal results, and it’s going to impact on the project’s standing within the organization.  Spend the time and resources needed for proper training, and you’ll save yourself a lot of headaches down the line.
  1. Does your process ensure that the role is properly onboarded? Building on the point above, the way that the role is onboarded into the organization also matters a great deal.  The timing here is crucial if you are to successfully integrate compliance and process management into the wider company structures.  In addition, the way you integrate the new role says a lot about how much you value it – so keep that in mind from an organizational change management perspective.
  1. Are your processes supported by relevant tools and templates? It’s not to say that you should document things for the sake of it, but there will be a range of activities that need to be documented, so it’s worth systematizing those as much as possible.  Using checklists and templates is really helpful for standardizing processes and ensuring that nothing falls through the cracks.
  1. Do you capture learnings from your compliance management processes? In order for this to really work, be living, and evolving you should be gathering data on a regular basis about how the processes are being utilised.  This feedback is crucial information to continuously refine your setup and make iterations, improvements, and automations over time.

How to Get Started on Your Compliance Management Journey

This can all be a bit overwhelming if you’re looking at this topic for the first time, so here are some recommendations for how to get started, dipping your toe into the compliance management pool:

  • Start small with an MVP. A minimal viable product (MVP) refers to the smallest and quickest prototype that you can develop to test a certain concept.  Identify the low-hanging fruits within your organization: where will compliance and process management be easiest to implement and/or have the greatest business benefit.  Reduce the complexity in the beginning and focus on the principles.  With success, you can continue to build from there – but don’t let perfection get in the way of getting started.
  • Clarify your goals and ambitions for compliance management as a whole. If you don’t know what you’re aiming for, you’ll never be able to build anything of substance.  Take the time to articulate your goals for the project, and you’ll be much better placed to make it happen.
  • Map out the existing processes as a starting point. As with any change, it’s worth mapping out how things currently work so that you have something to work from.  Spend some time identifying how your business is currently being executed and how mature the processes governing this actually are.
  • Clarify lines of accountability. Makes sure you clearly set out where the responsibility and accountability for compliance and process management should be anchored.  Depending on the nature of your business and organizational structure, this can be a central unit or responsibility built in-to individual business units.
  • Build evaluative capabilities in right from the beginning. Take your time to ensure that learnings can be captured and analysed so that the processes can be measured objectively with as tight a feedback loop as possible.  This will pay serious dividends over the long-term.

We Can Help!

Here at INVIXO, we are passionate about helping our clients build strong process management frameworks that enable them to reach their full potential.  We have years of experience in the space and pride ourselves on exceptional service and world-class implementations that are governed by our internal compliance and process framework.
Subscribe to our newsletter here, or below, below to stay updated with the latest insights.

If you’re looking for a business-enabling process governance framework, then we’re here to help.  Reach out today for an initial meeting where we can discuss your current needs and challenges.  We can then assess your situation and prepare a personalized solution for your needs, built from stakeholder workshops that we facilitate with your people.

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Become our new technical project manager

Do you have a solid project management toolbox, a profound it-technical understanding, and do you want to manage and drive large-scale digital transformation projects?


You will manage projects within SAP, Integration Platforms, API Management, Data/BI and/or migration projects – depending on project pipeline and the project management focus we in collaboration agree on


You have a proven track record as a project manager and are a team player


Vil du være med til at bygge fremtidens digitale fundament for både danske og internationale virksomheder?

Har du lyst til at være med til at rykke den gængse markedsopfattelse af hvordan data integreres, udstilles og forbruges?

Vi søger dig som er på rejsen som den traditionelle BI konsulent eller har arbejdet med data på anden vis og har lyst til at dine faglige kompetencer får potentialet til at favne hele data værdikæden på sigt. Vi skal nok sørge for at lægge planen sammen med dig for at sikre at du får den fornødne træning og sparring til at tage et fagområde ad gangen.


Som Data Consultant i INVIXO vil du hovedsageligt arbejde med BI og analytics løsninger ude hos vores kunder. Du vil komme til at løse tekniske BI opgaver, og lære at designe et projekts arkitektur. Du vil indgå som en del af et leveranceteam, der har ansvar for 1-3 kunder, hvor du vil arbejde tæt sammen med kollegaer med forskellig anciennitet for at sikre din fortsatte faglige udvikling.


Du har omkring 2 års erfaring med data og gerne BI specifikt. Du besidder et akademisk mindset, der formentlig kommer fra en kandidatuddannelse (eks. cand.merc.(bi), cand.merc.(it), cand.(it) eller cand.scient(physics)). Du har derudover en professionel nysgerrighed, der drager dig til altid at lære nyt og holde dig skarp og opdateret. At være nysgerrig er en stor del af INVIXO kulturen

Looking for our new Integration Consultant

Do you possess a technological skillset, a well-profound analytical toolbox and do you want to enable digital transformations?

At INVIXO, we transform business processes, empower digital landscapes and improve commercial value creation from architectural design, integration solutions, process optimization and business data solutions

The Right profile

We are searching for both junior and senior consultants within our integration solution area. The ideal candidate is familiar with the team expertise areas listed above and has experience with either Boomi, Kong, Solace, Informatica, or with integrations in general. You are motivated to expand your field of technical-, data- and process competencies and you thrive in a project-based environment where collaboration and communication are critical success factors. Skills within project coordination and project management are considered an advantage.

The Job

You will primarily be responsible for delivering customer projects, but may occasionally be involved in product development, internal strategic projects, or pre-sales activities. Tasks and responsibilities cover scope and design integration projects as a subject matter expert with the project owner, deliver technical integration aspects of all phases: analysis, design, build and close.

Looking for competent Delivery Team Lead/Project Manager

Do you have a solid toolbox of delivery team and project management gear, a well-profound it-technical understanding, and do you want to manage a delivery team that drive large-scale digital transformation projects?

Become our new Delivery Team Lead at INVIXO Consulting Group.

The Right profile

You are a seasoned and experienced Project Manager with either a few years of experience within technical project management or strong multiple successfully delivered technical IT-projects.

The Job

You will be handling stakeholders on all levels in the client’s organization, and all aspects of Project Management. Experience with regulated industries or the public industry is and advantage.

Looking for Senior SAP Integration Consultant

Do you possess a technological skillset, a well-profound analytical toolbox, and do you want to enable digital transformations with best-of-breed integrations?

Do you want to be part of our SAP Integration team, contributing to architectural decisions and being part of a growing team?

The Right profile

We are looking for both senior and less experienced IT Compliance & Process consultants. As an important part of the job will be to support our software development and integration solution business, you have a strong technical understanding and are able to understand and discuss technical issues with our developers and architects

The Job

We are searching for senior consultants within our integration solution area. The ideal candidate is familiar with the team expertise areas listed in the posting and has experience with these. The ideal candidate is also motivated to expand her/his field of technical-, data- and process competencies and thrive in a project-based environment where collaboration and communication are critical success factors. Skills within project coordination and project management are considered an advantage.

Looking for a Junior Integration/Development Consultant

Do you possess a technological skillset, an analytical toolbox, and do you want to enable digital transformations?

At INVIXO, we transform business processes, empower digital landscapes, and improve commercial value creation from architectural design, integration solutions, process optimization, and business data solutions – because the digital force drives change in every part of the company. We are focused and devoted to creating, driving, and growing the businesses of our clients with open and honest communication and clear measurable results.

The Right profile

The ideal candidate is familiar with OR has a willingness to learn about the expertise areas listed above and has knowledge/experience with either SAP or Dell Boomi OR a willingness to learn about it. You are motivated to expand your field of technical-, data- and process competencies and you thrive in a project-based environment where collaboration and communication are critical success factors. Skills within project coordination and project management are considered an advantage – this will however also be taught as part of your training.

The Job

You will be working as a Junior Integration Consultant and/or Development Consultant, which means that you will primarily be working with one or more of your colleagues for our clients or in our Product Development team. You will be responsible for delivering tasks to customer projects and/or be involved in product development and occasionally internal strategic initiatives. Tasks and responsibilities cover all phases of delivering technical integration projects; scope, analysis, design, and build to closure.


Do you possess a technological skillset, a well-profound analytical toolbox and do you want to enable digital transformations with best of breed products?

If you can see yourself, planning and developing new features, writing unit/integration tests, fixing bugs in existing features, working with highly competent developers, then you might be the person we are looking for!


You will be working as a front-end developer in collaboration with 1 or more other developers with a primary focus on front end development for new products or already existing products.


We are searching for Front-End Developers with 2+ years of experience within Front-End development. 
We are very aware of the individuals we hire at INVIXO, as we value a diverse culture and are always on look-out for people fitting our cultural fit.


Do you possess a technological skillset, a well-profound analytical toolbox and do you want to enable digital transformations with best of breed products?

If you can see yourself developing software solutions, contributing to architectural decision, being part of a growing product development organization and have client contact, working with highly competent developers, then you might be the person we are looking for!


You will be working as an ABAP developer in collaboration with other developers with a primary focus on ABAP development for new products or already existing products.


We are searching for ABAP Developers with 2+ years of experience
OBS: we are however also looking for individuals with less experience, but with the right mindset towards the task at hand and the willingness towards this learning opportunity of a high in demand competency
We are very aware of the individuals we hire at INVIXO, as we value a diverse culture and are always on look-out for people fitting our cultural fit.


Vil du være med til at bygge fremtidens digitale fundament for både danske og internationale virksomheder? Har du lyst til at være med til at rykke den gængse markedsopfattelse af hvordan data integreres, udstilles og forbruges?

Vi søger dig, som er den traditionelle BI konsulent eller har arbejdet med data på anden vis og har lyst til at udvide din faglige palette til at inkludere hele data værdikæden. Det er ikke forventet at du kommer med alle kompetencerne fra start af, det springende punkt er at du har lysten til at lære.


Som Senior Data Consultant i INVIXO vil du hovedsageligt arbejde med BI og analytics løsninger ude hos vores kunder. Du vil både løse tekniske BI opgaver, men også arbejde med at designe et projekts arkitektur samt have muligheden for at få ansvaret for de projekter du bliver en del af, hvilket både inkluderer projektledelse, sikre forventningsafstemning med kunden på vegne af INVIXO samt potentielt drive et mindre leveranceteam (3-5 personer).


Du har omkring 5 års erfaring med data og gerne BI specifikt. Du besidder et akademisk mindset, der formentlig kommer fra en kandidatuddannelse (eks. cand.merc.(bi), cand.merc.(it), cand.(it) eller cand.scient(physics)). Du har derudover en professionel nysgerrighed, der drager dig til altid at lære nyt og holde dig skarp og opdateret. Det er også vigtigt, at du har passion for at lære fra dig, til dine yngre kolleger, da din erfaring vil gøre, at mange vil søge sparring hos dig og dette er en vigtig del af INVIXO kulturen.

Join an expanding Azure team

Become Invixo’s new Senior Azure Integration/Platform Consultant


We are looking for a new Senior Azure Consultant to help our clients establish their Azure platform and build integrations with Azure Integration Services.


You have experience with Azure or other cloud providers and want to deliver high-quality Azure implementations

Looking for a Junior SAP Consultant


At INVIXO, we transform business processes, develop custom solutions, empower digital landscapes, and improve commercial value creation within architectural design, integration solutions, process optimization, and business data solutions. We are focused and devoted to creating, driving, and growing the businesses of our clients with open and honest communication and with clear and measurable results.

The Right profile

The ideal candidate is familiar with OR has a willingness to learn about the expertise areas listed above and has knowledge/experience with SAP OR a willingness to learn about it. You are motivated to expand your field of technical-, data- and process competencies and you thrive in a project-based environment where collaboration and communication are critical success factors. Skills within project coordination and project management are considered an advantage – this will however also be taught as part of your training.

The Job

You will be working as an SAP Junior Consultant, which means that you will primarily be working with one or more of your colleagues for our clients. You will be responsible for delivering tasks to customer projects and occasionally internal strategic initiatives. Tasks and responsibilities cover all phases of delivering technical integration projects; scope, analysis, design, and build to closure. Furthermore, you will learn from our world-class integration consultants, software developers, business data solution-, process, and management consultants, providing you with insight and a profound understanding of the link between business processes, data platforms, and system integrations.


Do you possess a technological skillset, a well-profound analytical toolbox, and do you want to enable digital transformations with best-of-breed products?

Do you want to be part of developing SAP software solutions, contributing to architectural decisions and being part of a growing product development team?

Then we are looking for you – and you are looking for us!


you will be part of our SAP Solution team and work closely with our product development team and our SAP Integration architects and developers. INVIXO ‘s Boomi aXis for SAP customers is based globally, but most tasks can be done remotely, however, some travel will be required.


You are an experienced SAP Project Manager or SAP Functional Consultant with multiple successfully delivered technical IT-projects as either Project Manager or Functional consultant or even better a combination of these


Do you want to apply your technical expertise in a complex and rewarding setting while forming strong bonds with like-minded your colleagues?

Become one of our new student assistants

If you can see yourself developing software solutions, contributing to architectural decision, being part of a growing product development organization and have client contact, working with highly competent developers, then you might be the person we are looking for!


You will work with cutting edge technologies, in a team of like-minded professionals, helping our customer enable their digital potential. 
Lokation: Copenhagen/Aarhus
Part time: approx. 20 hours pr. week


You need to be willing to learn. That's the single most important ask we have for you. Experience with development, system integrations or similar is a big plus, but not a requirement. Only requirement is your motivation to expand your knowledge to new fields of technology. 

On a personal level, you must be open minded, able to motivate yourself and to work in a team of colleagues with various seniority and skills sets


Can you make a better job advertisement than
And do you want to work with and develop the most ambitious employees in the world? 


You will be working as our HR Specialist in collaboration with our CFO with a primary focus on recruitment, talent and culture development. 


You have a DO'er mentality, and a drive to always improve. You might have experience with career models for IT specialist and can set a clear direction and promote a culture of teamwork, learning and belonging. 
We are very aware of the individuals we hire at INVIXO, as we value a diverse culture and are always on look-out for people fitting our cultural fit.


Do you love working with data and strategic process improvements and do you prefere always doing things right?

Are you intrigued by the thought of working at a scale-up? Are you contemplating a career in Finance and reporting?


We seek a student assistant for approx. 10-20 hours a week to 1. Improve, describe and facilitate new or existing business processes 2. Further develop our ESG framework and reporting 3. Ad-Hoc business support in Business Enablement


We are searching for somebody who has 1-2 years left of their studies within Business, Finance, Administration or Processes, someone who is striving for a career within Finance and reporting and who is Interested in working with business data and improving work processes

Become a World-Class Integration Consultant

Kick-start your career and join a specialized integration team


We are looking for a new Integration Consultant to help our clients connect to partners and connect their internal systems through modern integration paradigms like event-driven architecture and APIs.


You have a technical education in computer science or related fields and is looking for your first job after finishing your education or have worked for a few years.