Boomi Community Meeting 2022.06.15
– Hosted by INVIXO
As Boomi gains more and more users in Denmark, we at INVIXO felt the need to bring together current users to share experiences and ideas to get the most of this versatile and powerful platform. Participants were invited to meet in the nice surroundings of the Copenhagen Zoo and invite their families to explore the zoo for the day.
The agenda included several very interesting topics, and the discussions amongst participants on the day were a joy to hear. Many highly valuable insights were shared, and we believe all participants left with learnings or ideas to go back and try in their own organizations.
The Boomi Community Meeting is not only a great place for sharing experiences and tips for existing users of the Boomi platform, but also to gain very candid reviews from current Boomi users in case one is looking to add technical capabilities to the organization. We hope to see not only our valued participants again at our next meeting, but also to get even more people interested in learning more about the platform.
Stay tuned on our website and LinkedIn profile to learn when the next Boomi Community Meeting in Denmark will happen!